Ethereum: Diablo Miner on OSX Lion

Mining Ethereum on OSX Lion with DiabloMiner

Are you a cryptocurrency enthusiast looking to diversify your mining rig with Ethereum? Look no further than the popular open source miner, DiabloMiner. In this article, we will guide you through the process of setting up and optimizing DiabloMiner on OSX Lion.

Getting Started

To begin, make sure you have the latest version of DiabloMiner installed on your system. You can download the latest version from the official website: <

After downloading the installer, follow these steps:

  • Extract the contents of the zip file to a directory of your choice (e.g. /Applications/ or ~/Downloads/).
  • Create a new folder for your Ethereum mining rig and place the DiabloMiner software in it.
  • Start the miner by running ./diablo-miner -w 256 -na.

Optimizing Java Heap Size

As part of the initial setup, you may be asked to increase the Java heap size to optimize performance. To do this:

  • Open the file in a text editor (e.g. TextEdit or Sublime Text).
  • Find the following line:

-Xmx384m -XX:+UseCompressedSinks

  • To increase the Java heap size, add the following lines:



Note: The -Xmx512m line increases the initial heap size by 256 MB, while the -Xmx1G line sets the maximum heap size to 1 GB. Adjust these values ​​as needed to achieve a balance between performance and security.

Increasing CPU Usage

To increase DiabloMiner’s CPU usage, you can try the following:

  • Run ./diablo-miner -w 512 -na. This will increase the number of worker threads to 512.
  • Set the cpu_cores parameter to a higher value (e.g. -cpu_cores 4 or -cpu_cores 8).

Performance Monitoring and Optimization

You can use the following tools to monitor the performance of your Ethereum mining rig:

  • CPU Usage: Check CPU usage with top command on OSX Lion.
  • Memory Usage: Monitor memory usage with free -m.
  • Hash Rate

    : Monitor the hash rate output to identify any bottlenecks.


With these steps, you should now have DiabloMiner up and running on your OSX Lion system, providing a solid foundation for Ethereum mining. To optimize performance, increase the Java heap size by editing the file and experiment with different CPU utilization configurations.

Be sure to regularly check your device’s hash rate output and adjust settings as needed to ensure optimal performance.


It is essential to conduct thorough research and understand the risks involved before investing in any cryptocurrency mining rig. Mining involves significant energy consumption and may be subject to market price fluctuations. Always follow local regulations and use reputable tools to minimize risks.

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