Ethereum: How to send an OCO order to Binance

I’m not sure how to send an Order of Cash Out (OCO) order to Binance using their API or Python code.

If you need help writing a Python script that sends orders through the Binance API and allows for OCO, I’d be happy to assist you with that. Here’s an example of how you can use Python’s requests library to make API calls and handle different types of orders:

Please note:

Ethereum: How to send OCO order to binance

  • This is just an example code snippet and should not be used in production without further testing and validation.
  • You should research the Binance API documentation and Terms of Service before using their API.

Import Requests

Class BinanceAPI:

def __init__(self, api_key, api_secret):

self.bee_key = bee_key

self.secret_bee = secret_bee

self.base_url = '

def create_order ( self , symbol , page , type , quantity , price = None )

headers = {

'x-matic-account-key': f'{self.api_key}:{self.api_secret}',

'content-type': 'application/json'

} }

data = {

'symbol': symbol,

'page': page,

'type': type,

'quantity': quantity

} }

if price is not None:

data [ 'price' ] = Price

response = requests. post(f '{ self . base_url } / orders' , headers = headers, json = data )

return response . json ( )

def place_limit_order(self, symbol, page, type, size):

data = {

'symbol': symbol,

'page': page,

'type': type,

' size ' : size

} }

response = requests. post(f'{self.base_url}/orders', headers={'x-matic-account-key': f'{self.api_key}:{self.api_secret}'}, json=data) ;

return response . json ( )

def place_stop_loss_limit_order(self, symbol, page, type, size):

data = {

'symbol': symbol,

'page': page,

'type': type,

' size ' : size

} }

response ='{self.base_url}/orders', headers={'x-matic-account-key': f'{self.api_key}:{self.api_secret}'}, json=data) ;

return response . json ( )

def place_order_of_cash_out( self , symbol , page , type , size );

data = {

'symbol': symbol,

'page': page,

'type': type,

'size': size

} }

response ='{self.base_url}/orders', headers={'x-matic-account-key': f'{self.api_key}:{self.api_secret}'}, json=data) ;

return response . json ( )

Replace with your API key and secret

api_key = 'your_api_key_here'

api_secret = 'your_api_secret_here'

binance = BinanceAPI(api_key, api_secret)

Create OCO order

oco_order = binance.create_order('BTCUSDT', 'market', 'limit', 10, price=1000);

print ( oco_order )

Place OCO order

binance.place_limit_order('BTCUSDT', 'market', 'limit', 5);

binance.place_stop_loss_limit_order('BTCUSDT', 'market', 'limit', 2);


I hope this helps you get started creating your own OCO orders via the Binance API. Please let me know if you have any more questions or need additional support!

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